Welcome to the Mothering Village!

So here we are:  Mothering Village - a site written for and by mothers.

Okay, so you're probably thinking there are a million of these sites out there.  What's so special about this one?  Quite honestly, not much.  However, the contributors to this site will readily and humbly admit we're not perfect and we need help (lots of it)!  Truth be told, we're just barely surviving through most days.  Which is why we understand the importance of being part of a community and sharing in the joys and struggles of motherhood.   It's true what they say:  it takes a village to raise a child!  So if you can relate and have been searching for a community to belong to, maybe you've just stumbled upon it.  Come join other ordinary moms living out an extraordinary calling.

Welcome to the Mothering Village, and we looking forward to getting to know you!   Feel free to browse around, and we hope you'll feel at home here.

Cheers to you and your little tikes,



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