God's Providence

{ our shattered sun roof }
While driving on the NJ turnpike at 70 mph last night on our way back home from Virginia, an ice sheet from a bus next to us fell and crashed on our sun roof.  Glass shattered everywhere - shards fell on my husband (who was driving) and were inches away from hitting the boys (I was in the backseat with them).  Thankfully, James remained calm and composed while driving and everyone was okay.  

But it could have gone wrong in so many ways.   All the "what-ifs" started racing through my head:
- "What if James had jerked and veered off the road?" 
- "What if I had been driving with the boys by myself as originally planned?  I would have completely freaked out." 
- "What if I hadn't put the blanket up to block the oncoming headlights only minutes before which shielded the boys from the glass?" 
- "What if the ice block had come through the front or side windows instead?"

Finally, I had to stop myself and simply be thankful to God for small miracles and for His providence and protection.

Later that evening once we were finally home, I sat in bed pondering the night's event, and then read A's blog.  And immediately, my heart sank with great sorrow as I read about the loss of her father in a car accident two days after Christmas.  Only days earlier, A had posted a beautiful picture of her parents' sweet, surprise reunion with her sister who came home for the holidays (she's currently deployed in Iraq).  And I couldn't help but wonder how was it that one family was spared of tragedy this holiday season while another was forced to suffer through it?  Were God's angels of protection over us but not A's family?  Was it providence that cared for us but not for them?

No.  God is always watching over His people.  His providence is always in effect.  I know it's probably easier for me to say this because tragedy didn't strike my family last night, but there are two fundamental truths I believe about God:  (1) He is good and (2) He is in control.   I won't say it's always easy to believe this nor will I claim to live worry or stress-free because I believe it.  I won't say it doesn't make me a control-freak because I still am.  But trial after trial, God has been faithful in revealing these two truths about Himself to me. 

In the Merriam-Webster dictionary, providence is defined as: 
    a: divine guidance or care
    b: God conceived as the power sustaining and guiding human destiny

God's ultimate act of divine guidance and care has already been demonstrated to each and every one of us.  On a cross.  Through Jesus.  With hope of eternal life.  I believe God's providence never fails and He cares for us in every instance - even when things are very difficult.  So no matter what happens, we continue to trust, press on, and live with hope.  All because of Jesus.
1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You believe in God; believe also in me.  2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?  3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.  4 You know the way to the place where I am going.” - John 14:1-4

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. - Romans 8:28
A, my prayers continue for you and your family.  


Donna Perugini said...

I'm so glad you and your family are alright!

My prayers go out for A and the tragedy in her family.

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